Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Out with the Old..In with the New

Typically, this popular tag-line frustrates me! As fond as I am of cutesy quotes and rhyming phrases this is one of the few I cannot quite embrace. Currently, I am in the process of moving, well unpacking at this point and am still waging in an epic battle against myself in terms of the definitions of “treasure” & “trash”. Even though some of my college memorabilia is worn, torn, tattered & fragrantly sour I cannot bring myself to part with it!

If you’ve ever interacted with me for more than five minutes you know that I STRIVE for organization, functionality & fun…however, I will be the first to admit that I lose things easier & more often than most, can be totally random and overly-enjoy the comfort of my own bed! It is not an intentional activity it just happens…not on a daily basis but more regularly than I would like. Maybe it’s my obsession with stacks, notebooks, compartments, & shelves that aides in my misplacing of personal items or  the hope my mommy won’t ever notice I’ve misplaced my umpteenth piece of jewelry while I attempt to have a personal fundraiser to collect funds to replace the missing item.

Now, in regards to moving, if I would have chucked a large majority of my favorite and most treasured college memories that were lodged in the jungle underneath my bed I would have never have found half of the things I’ve spent the past months searching for. Instead of disregarding all of my college keepsakes I’ve come up with a new motto for moving, growing up and entering big girl world and this has been especially comforting since I am unable to embrace “Out with the Old In with the New..” Consider this instead: “Re-model the Old into the New You!” Instead of saying goodbye to all the things you have held dearly for all of eternity, pack them up and keep your favorites in an easily accessible place. Now, you can take your mind on a jog through the highs & lows of college anytime your little heart desires, while moving forward in the wonderful land of POCO! (Post-College) This way you can have the best of both worlds all at the same time!




Congrats to all of my real world amigas1So proud of ya’ll for all of your new jobs!!

 Congrats to all of the newly-employed friends of mine!

9-5-No sweat you’ll be just fine!

Remember cocktail hour starts when you get off work

And you have no homework-yes that’s a major perk!



Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm dreaming of a.....

Home Alone was hands down one of the most iconic films of the 90s and is also a personal favorite of mine. It was love at first sight when undeniably adorable yet devilish Kevin McCallister delivered one of his many hilarious one-liners "A large cheese pizza just for me". 
A few weeks ago my love for this cult-classic was renewed but in a unfamiliar perspective.

This summer I've adopted an early to bed, early to rise routine. Let me preface I've always had a very tumultuous relationship with alarm clocks and have been mindful of scheduling classes in the later morning and afternoon to avoid oversleeping. However; this summer I've had an 8 a.m. class everyday therefore I routinely set and strategically place 3 alarm clocks around my room making it difficult to oversleep! A few weeks ago it was finals week for the 1st summer session and the night before my exam arrived. I tucked myself into bed at 10:30 after thoroughly studying all week and was eager to take the test the next morning. The next thing I knew it was 9:30 a.m. the morning of my 8 a.m. exam!
Watch the first 10 seconds of this clip to get the full effect of my panic. 


The next 10 minutes of my life I was so overwhelmed its hard to say exactly what I did but I can tell you I've never committed such a heinous fashion crime in my life.. well maybe freshmen year when I ran around in the ninja costume.By 9:45 I arrived out of breath with crocodile tears streaming down my ghostly pale face to the exam room sparsely filled with my peers since only 30 minutes remained in the allotted time. My professor had been a stickler for attendance and tardiness so I was sure she was going to expect me to turn in the exam at the end of the remaining time. As the classroom finally emptied she approached my desk and granted me an additional two hours to finish my exam. 

After I turned in my exam my teacher reminded me that what is important in regards to this situation is not the fact I had a nightmare of a morning and was two hours late but how I chose to react to the situation by showing up and not blaming my absence on some rinky-dink doctor's note. We all have the ability to turn any situation around so don't be discouraged if something doesn't go according to plan, consider it an opportunity to try a new direction.


Buzzes' girlfriend Woof!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Rolling out the Red Carpet

Welcome to Delightful Disasters! This blog will feature a collection of posts, pictures, links etc. illustrating my delightfully disastrous journey through my final months of college and beyond. As I prepare to finally jump off the "high-dive" into the Big kids Pool...aka.. The Real World my stories will probably focus on the intimidation, fear of the unknown future and utter cluelessness about transforming myself into a productive member of society. Humorously enough I've found that the person I am today is simply the little girl version of myself all grown up..same girl just the 2009 version! Cheers to life and laughter after all I am the Duchess of Disaster!